Earth wounds! counting human self-destructive 11 adults for disaster
According to the United States Newsweek reported on 22 July, earthquakes, wildfires are human resources beyond the control of the disaster, but some of the world's most deadly disasters are almost always caused by humans themselves.
The pursuit of energy, food, and enjoy, have almost destroyed the Earth. Despite excessive hunting and mining are being stopped, but their long-term impact is already threatening the world's ecosystems and the survival of humankind. Newsweek recently counting 11 major environmental disasters, they do not like hurricanes or earthquakes, many disaster actually had to avoid.1. shoreline erosion
When the seasons change, causing ice caps melt and regeneration, but permanent freeze band erosion continues much longer.
As a result of global warming lead to shore rich sediments of permafrost thawing, coastal seawater easier erosion and land, Arctic coastline is at risk. The picture is that the United States Alaska North-Eastern Beaufort coast affected by the impacts of climate change.2. the Chernobyl
The 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine leak occurred, is human-caused the biggest nuclear disaster.
Radioactive material, resulting in 50 people were killed, thousands of people in the next few years suffer from various forms of cancer deaths. Local food and water is affected, over the decades has not eliminated.3. Love Canal
Over the years, the company will be toxic chemicals fertilizers buried in Niagara falls.
Although 1978 Carter ordered the reburial of rejects, and reconstruction of local communities. But toxic substances have infiltrated the underground, the love of the River brought the disease and suffering.4. coal toxic mud
In the United States has more than 600 seat thermal power station, almost all power stations are a large number of coal.
In December 2008, because a dam collapse, a large number of coal ash and mud from Kingston, Tennessee, leading petrochemical plant overflow 10 billion gallons of toxic sludge into a community. Although only a few families have been destroyed, but the slime that contain mercury, arsenic and other toxic substances that have infiltrated water and land, enough to kill all life.5. rainforest opens up wasteland
In the past decade, Brazil Amazon rainforest destruction suffered greatly increase, farmers and loggers cut of indiscriminate deforestation destroyed each year tens of thousands of square kilometres of tropical rain forest.
50% of the world's wildlife, 40% of oxygen from here.6. industrial mining
Whether in developed or developing, industrial mining is one of the driving forces of the economy, but human beings to pay environmental price also overwhelming.
After the soft soil mining may result in the ecosystem balance is disturbed, the mining area is very difficult to restore. For example, India Orissa suquinda Valley stacked up 95% of India's iron ore, lead there became the world's most polluted areas.7. excessive fishing and hunting
Over the past 20 years, the human consumption of fish quantity are dropped.
The Arctic and the Eastern Mediterranean region of demand and supply reduction, leading to the tuna and the Arctic cod populations crashed. 2009 over-fishing file reported marine ecosystems of key contact is cut off, has affected human survival.8. oil drilling
The world's most serious oil leak occurred in the 1991 Persian Gulf war, Saddam had deliberately dumping to the Persian Gulf 100 million gallons of oil, causing the extinction of birds and fish.
But oil leakage losses cannot rely on the number of oil spills. As early as 1989, the United States Exxon middot; Val DIZ tanker ran aground in Alaska, Southeast of 11 million gallons of oil to leak from the sea. But since there is no remoteness, the impact of the Persian Gulf.9. harmful gases
In 1984, Madhya Pradesh in India, a pesticide factory in the vicinity of large amounts of toxic gas leak, causing 10000 deaths.
The impact of industrial disaster, almost difficult to measure.10. water diversion and irrigation:
1960, the Aral Sea started to dry up, today, in fact it has disappeared, leaving mud.
A few decades ago, the Soviet Government had salt sea water entering quoted desert irrigation cotton, but raised in local greenhouse effect. Now there are very few ground water, residents are breathing air almost no water molecules.11. marine pollution
World Ocean contains several large roundabout, keep the ocean water cycle.
When the garbage washed into the sea, often large roundabout on the other side of birds and fish to swallow. The world's largest rubbish dump in the North Atlantic region, where nearly become dead, no life can exist.