Unique "turn dead Festival" the living and the dead body dances
According to the New York Times "reported that every region has its own memory of dead relatives, in Madagascar, the dead and the living is more closely linked to, from time to time, people tend to see the remains of their loved ones, from the Tomb, and in the family dance.
Recently in Madagascar in a village, 17 have been wrapped remains in a noisy music was a family tomb, sprinkle with expensive spices and wine.
People use shoulder reacts as remains of their loved ones, were Carnival crowd surrounded jumps merry dance. A just and dead grandfather dance with music by local farmers Pant said he was willing to close thanks to the ancestors, no they do not have their own.This ceremony in Madagascar's central plateau is very common, periodically, the locals tend to see the remains of our ancestors, out to dance, they made the ceremony called famadihana (turn the carcasses).
The dance is over, people will be using your fingers across the shroud tracing the contour of the dead relatives and tell the kids how important this person.In the Indian Ocean island countries, millions of people who have different beliefs are advocating this custom.
In the eyes of the people of Madagascar, the deceased and living is not that tolerably, ancestors of the soul sometimes living generations come and go, but in that they provide famadihana ancestors report family news and receive blessings and guidance.